Far cry 3 trainer 1.0.8 traomer
Far cry 3 trainer 1.0.8 traomer

GAMEPLAYFIXED – Defuser can't be picked up while sprinting.įIXED – Operator Card health bar extends beyond the frame during the end of round replay.įIXED – Operators can melee through Shields.įIXED – Misleading controller layout for Spectator.įIXED – Ammo desync between players shooting after the reload is finished.įIXED – Zero's Argus Camera floats in the air if it was deployed on Castle's Armor Panel and Defenders remove it from the other side.įIXED – Zero's Argus Camera can't pierce the surface if there was a device on the other side while the camera deployed.įIXED – Clipping occurs when deploying a device onto an elevated surface.įIXED – Dokkaebi can hack an additional phone if two more Defenders are eliminated.įIXED – Low performance while rewinding or fast-forwarding in Match Replay.įIXED – Match Replay UI widgets have arrows displayed incorrectly.įIXED – Incorrect behavior after pressing ESC key when affected by Dokkaebi's Logic Bomb as an eliminated Defender.įIXED – Incorrect animation while counter-defusing.įIXED – Play Again button in the Home section doesn't display the last-played playlist.įIXED – VFX and SFX for out of bounds occur briefly while respawning.

Far cry 3 trainer 1.0.8 traomer